Who Can Be a Professional Photographer?

You have extra time during the week where you're not pulled in ten different directions. Why not use that time to do something you love and make money?
The income you make from being a professional photographer could make a big difference in your family's quality of life.

College Students
Are you looking for a way to earn money while you are in college? We've designed our schedule so you could possibly attend school AND FotoFly Academy simultaneously.
Have you become discouraged with college? Are you starting to believe that this time could be better spent? We understand. If your goal is to be a photographer, please consider FotoFly Academy.

Are you feeling like your current career is going nowhere?
Do you feel out of control and that your future is in other people's hands?
Is your current salary only covering the essentials?
FotoFly Academy can change how you feel about your future. You'll feel empowered to be completely in control and be able to provide more money for that dream vacation to __________________!
Upwardly Mobile

If you're wanting to be a professional photographer, FotoFly Academy is the best path. Compared to college, online instruction, random workshops, or apprenticing for a few years, our intensive, four-month Academy is the clear choice.
It used to be that college was best next step for high school seniors. It's recently been made clear that a college degree doesn't guarantee success. Getting quickly into the field of your dreams makes sense.