Why FotoFly Academy?

Eric is personally teaching Spring and Summer semesters.
Eric has trained over 1,000 aspiring photographers over 32 years. Almost all were newly hired and started out as inexperienced beginners and became professional photographers. No one on earth can claim this amount of experience. His training method was formed as he hired and trained entire staffs for his father's company: Kiddie Kandids. His method is proven and his experience allows him to see clearly how you will develop as a photographer.

What is the right pathway to a career? We propose that FotoFly Academy is a faster, less expensive way to become a professional than any other option.
Instead of four years, our program lasts four months. Our tuition is a fraction of what you'd spend at the local university.
Workshops are great for teaching handy tips; but aren't a solution for becoming a fully-functional photographer.
The value of FotoFly Academy.

Everyone learns in a unique way. We understand how people learn and have designed every class to include elements from every learning style.
Whether you learn from discussion, demonstration, practice or completing assignments at your own pace, every class will provide the type of learning that allows you to progress.
Our Method for Teaching.

Small class size.
Every class is limited to five students. This ensures that you will have personalized attention and individualized instruction. You will NOT feel like a number at FotoFly Academy. In fact, students become "family" as they bond with us and their fellow students.
As we work closely together to build your skill, a sincere relationship of trust will form as you make the journey to being a professional photographer.

Versatility: the ability to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities.
To be a versatile photographer is to be powerful. We will work hard to make you extremely versatile. It won't matter if you're attempting to create beautiful images in a parking lot or parlor, a hallway or back alley, a lobby or a lounge, a boardroom or bedroom, a busy street or abandoned warehouse. You'll walk into any situation with the confidence that can only come from being able to see and create beauty.
Here are some examples of what we're talking about. None of the below images used a flash or light modifier of any kind. Eric used the environment to create beautiful light. It could be a simple window or the sun reflecting off of a Fedex truck or a small light by an elevator or a streetlight. The point is, if you know what you're looking for, you can find beautiful portrait lighting anywhere!
Once you've decided that you're willing to pay for an education to be a portrait photographer, the next question is "who do I pay?" To me, there are four choices:
Pay for numerous workshops.
Go to college and graduate with a photography major (BYU offers one).
Sign up for an online photography course.
Attend FotoFly Academy.
The first three options offer challenges. Workshops can be expensive, short and only focus on a few topics. Attending a college for four years to learn a little about photography seems like mostly a waste of time (I won't be teaching you any social studies or history...maybe a little math). Online photography courses can be valuable but you receive no hands-on coaching and individual feedback.
Fotofly Academy is the best, fastest, most affordable path to becoming a professional photographer.
We are the best option.
Is FotoFly Academy expensive?
FotoFly Academy IS the most affordable way to become a portrait photographer. Especially when you consider the cost of many workshops. I am very aware of how costly these workshops can be because I've attended workshops conducted by each of these following instructors. I've looked up the cost of their latest upcoming workshop:
Jerry Ghionis, 5 days, $3990
Yervant, 4 days $3200
Lindsey Adler, 3 days, $3999
Peter Hurley, 3 days, $3994
That's a lot of money for a few days of training!
The other challenge is that these workshops are very specific. They are meant to sharpen the skills of an experienced photographer. For someone who is starting out and wants to build a solid foundation of knowledge and skill, workshops aren't the solution.
I'm offering four months of continuous development. Comparatively, the Academy is inexpensive.
For $15,000, you'll receive:
EIGHTEEN weeks of training and personal attention from me.
An electronic, 617 page manual on an iPad that includes galleries, illustrations, diagrams, video and audio.
A printed workbook that will help you retain what is taught in class.
Live models in most classes.
Ongoing access to Eric's coaching.
That is the financial investment. The greater investment from you will be your effort. I've often said that I can teach ANYONE who has grit and is willing to work hard to develop him/herself. If you're willing to follow the program and listen to my direction, you can be a professional photographer!
This is truly a financial AND personal investment in yourself that will be worth it.